Monday, December 07, 2009


ok. so i didn't get my targeted tier 4 in nov. only managed a pathetic tier 2. wtf. After screaming "Tier 4~!! Tier 4!!" and "Rebates!!" when i was dead drunk and concussed at Skunk's wedding, i thought my drive would really get me to Tier 4. BLEAH. offered tonnes of rebates that didn't come in in time for nov. on the bright side, they are coming in in december when i'm almost half dead. Super bad time of the year when no one is paying up their credit card bills but spend money on useless gifts and holidays. working 12 bloody hours days almost everyday. 8.30am to 8.30pm and they make it sound like they are goddess of mercy by granting us to claim dinner and cab fare.

another postive thingy - i've graduated~! managed a pass for international monetary economics which i am more than glad. Pass was exactly wat i was aiming for.

gotten a new haircut after almost 2 mths of not cutting it. i gave up keeping long hair again. super irritating and makes me feel tired even.

footnote: to teach or not to teach?