Monday, October 27, 2008

What the Hedge. I'm Fudged.

Returned from Rachel's place and felt like i needed a nap. Alas, the nap lasted thru the night and i woke up when the sun did. And flu again. Bleah.

Kinda finally figured out how to do bond calculations with my Texas BAII Plus. So, the bond price computed is not thebond price. The figures shown are the price per100. What the hedge.

From the latest copy of 8 days i've gotten, Fann and Chris are gonna have 'The Wedding of the Year' and the catch? It is nottheir actual wedding. Raintree Pictures has (not so) cleverly came up with a script that involves 2 characters (to be played by Fann and Chris of course) who hates each other to the core but decided to get married in favour of a career boost, in the movie.

After being filled with a thousand question marks from that cover story, i am now back in the reality of potentially being fudgedfor investment exam.

Now back to trying not to be fudged.


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