Friday, August 11, 2006

Wat a life!

This year, i've been to Perhentian, Phuket, Batam and China already...Bangkok coming up soon!

Bangkok will be my first incentive trip from Prudential!

World Choir Games was great and just so magical coz Victoria Chorale won the highly competitive category of Sacred Music Acapella, beating the European choirs and a few others to be the category Champion!

Oh, oh, and its this competition that i had my virginal solo part in a choir performance..heee....altho it was just a mindless scream. Well, my voice is not good enough for a singing part but at least it can pass off as a girl's scream. i'm happy! =]

My poor Cody had been waiting for my return even before i left for Xiamen..he sobbed like a little baby..damn cute...brings a smile to my face whenever i think of it and just want to sayang him la!

Oh, then there was these surreal moments with Ziyang around! Long time no see and there he just appeared, running across the convention centre looking for Victoria Chorale. He still has that signature smile and bear bear look.

Liyann, Jimmy, Emma, Sandy, Kenny and i extend our trip to go climb Huangshan, which was really quite worth the climb altho our luggages made it really tough. Hail Jimmy who carried a big heavy backpack consisting of his belongings and errr mostof Liyann's stuff.

Sandy couldn't adjust to the 'thin' air on top after arriving at merely half the altitude, maybe the air was really thin or it could be her *ahem* assets put on weight at higher altitudes.. And 780RMB was all she needed to have a smooth ride up..ok not exactly smooth but she took minimal steps.

Sunrise at hunagshan and oh, coz i wasn't prepared for this part, i took too many tops and only 1 boxers, i had to keep washing my underwear. I had no toiletries, and had to cut up 2 of my tee shirts coz it was just too hot in China.

Blah blah blah..we went to Hangzhou which was way hotter than Huangshan and much more humid too..Jasonwood is probably the only thing i miss about Hangzhou. Xihu was like...err..ok, this is here and that is there, ok! we're done touring Xihu. The Dong Po Rou (some fatty braised pork) was great. And we had giggly masseuse too..supposedly Liyann they all say my initial massuese found me too handsome or sexy in my cut-up singlet.waha.

Coz i was really anxious to catch Ziyang in Shanghai before he flew back to Toronto, Liyann they all had to accomodate to me and leave Hangzhou earlier. Then i ganjiong spider made everyone quite pissed off at the rush. Got to see Ziyang again, he gave me some Panadols that i couldn't bear to eat, and a letter. Very touched, cried a bit reading it..hope we'll see each other again soon..

Shanghai was like a movie. I mean, ya, just like the movie lo. Night scene was great.Had a great variety of shopping. Many cute guys (Sandy: the one at Quan Ju De!) Oh great service apartment booked by Miss Liyann. ok...hmm..anything else bout Shanghai? I love the Green Massage which was very spa-like and i love the robes we had to change into. And hee the massuese was kinda cute. I think my massage there was great but apparently the rest thought it was ok only. Can't beat the blind men in Xiamen la of course, esp given their rates, its totally value for money!!

And anyway, thanks to Ziyang that i'm here updating this long overdue blog. ha.


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